Friday, January 30, 2009

Unity Statement

The Previous words posted, are excerpts from Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall’s writings.
These are words I believe in with every fiber of my being.
The 10 Commandments that we have posted, I believe to be true. As long as I live and breathe, I will continue to fight to bring the Iroquois Confederacy back together, stronger than it ever was.
I also believe that there are a lot more people out there in other Nations looking for the same freedom.
Now is the time we need to come together as Equals in ONE voice, as ONE Confederacy of a United Nation, a REAL UNITED NATIONS.
Then OUR voice will be too big for them to conquer and divide us further, before we vanish from the history books.
I am proud of whom I am, Ongwehonwe, and do not ever wish to become a government slave. We never gave them the right to rule over us on our own lands, yet they continue to force us off them, and send us to jail for protecting them.
The sooner we come together, the more of us there will be.
I would like to thank my Sister, Okwarakon, who I give permission to publish my writings on the web. I consider her and her husband my family, and I am forever indebted to them for all their help and support they have given to me and my family.
We the Ongwehonwe people, follow our Eagle Condor Prophesies.
The time of OUR Prophesies is here.
I know in my heart that our traditional people, of ALL nations on Turtle Island, have the same Prophesies as Ours.
The time has come for our Eagle Brothers to take our stand.
We invite all our brothers and sisters to join with us before all is destroyed and lost forever.

Michael R. Brant
Iroquois Confederacy
Tyendinaga; Mohawk Territory.

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